H2RESTORE Project Overview

Long-duration underground hydrogen storage

As more renewables enter the National Electricity Network and coal-fired power plants retire, balancing supply and demand is increasingly complex. Solving the “intermittency” problem is key to enabling the continued uptake of renewable energy resources.

H2RESTORE is being designed to generate hydrogen by electrolysis using abundant energy from the National Electricity Market and storing it in Lochard’s existing underground gas storage reservoirs located in Southwest Victoria.

The hydrogen can be converted back into electricity to supply the National Electricity Market when demand is high and supply is low, like in winter.

We are currently undertaking an 18 month feasibility study into the viability of storing hydrogen underground in our existing reservoirs near our Iona Gas Storage Facility

Our Feasibility Study

We are undertaking the necessary studies to determine the viability of underground hydrogen storage

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A Staged Approach

The H2RESTORE Project is proposed to be developed in stages which each phase of the Project including community and stakeholder consultation and feedback.


Firstly, Lochard Energy is undertaking an 18-month Feasibility Study to investigate the technical and commercial viability of storing hydrogen in existing underground gas reservoirs. This study is underway and will include engineering and early environmental studies, undertake community and stakeholder engagement and concept design for a pilot demonstration facility.


Following the Feasibility Study, a proposed Demonstration Pilot will be developed which will test small-scale storage of hydrogen in one suitable underground reservoir. While the Demonstration Pilot is expected to be small in scale it will still be subject to necessary regulatory approvals.


Lochard Energy is targeting commercial operation of underground hydrogen storage to occur in the early 2030’s with the possibility of being used for firming of the National Electricity Market (NEM) via long duration energy storage, and/or to provide a firm, lower-cost hydrogen supply to the clean fuels industry.

Next – Feasibility Study

We are undertaking the necessary studies to determine the technical and commercial viability of underground hydrogen storage.