Modern Slavery

We are committed to continually taking proactive measures to avoid causing, contributing to, or being directly linked to modern slavery practices

‘Modern slavery’ is the term used to refer to exploitive practices that can exist in the workplace (or other settings) which have the commonality of exploiting people and undermining their freedom.

Modern slavery often involves offenders (including privately-owned entities) forcing people to work against their will. Practices that constitute modern slavery can include human trafficking, slavery, servitude, forced labour, debt bondage, forced marriage and child labour. Offenders typically use coercion, threats or deception to exploit victims.

Lochard is opposed to modern slavery in all its forms and recognises the important role that businesses can play in helping to combat modern slavery.

Supply Chain Vigilance

Lochard’s procurement practices include taking measures to facilitate all of our suppliers being aware of our Supplier Code of Conduct.

This Code of Conduct expresses our expectation that all of our suppliers comply with the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (Modern Slavery Act) (where applicable) and otherwise not use or facilitate modern slavery or use or tolerate inappropriate workplace practices.

The Modern Slavery Act became effective in 2019. Lochard has been reporting under the Modern Slavery Act since its inception and, in FY23, we lodged our third annual statement under the Act.

As per previous statements, we responded to the mandatory reporting criteria and included an assessment of the modern slavery risks that may exist across our operations and supply chain. No material risks have been identified.

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